Registration Changes

As you all know, the current Registered Participant status is based on calendar year renewal (January to December).  We are pleased to announce a change in this policy.

Renewals will no longer be based on the calendar year but provide a full 12 months from the date of previous  renewal or registration.  This change will resolve several issues, namely those who sign up mid year and only benefit from half a year’s worth of benefits.  This change will also resolve the confusing timing issues from the past (sign ups after November 1st allowed remaining of year plus the full next calendar year) and allowing people up to 2 months into a calendar year to renew.  In lieu of these unclear renewal periods, our new system will automatically email individuals 60 days, 30 days and the day before their RP status will expire.

The transition will be different depending on when you registered.  Those people who registered or renewed in 2017 will have their renewal dates changed to their registration or renewal date.  Those who registered or renewed before January 1st, 2017 will expire on December 31st, 2017.

This rolling renewal process will lighten the load considerably on our volunteers and allow for a more balanced year and less confusion around RP status.  The web site will provide for you your current status and your renewal date so you will know when to expect to renew.

If you have not already, I encourage you to log into the new website (instructions were provided in the last newsletter) and review your information.

If you have any questions about this change, please do not hesitate to contact me.