It’s not an indication. It’s ART.

Having now spent some years in scent work, I’ve refined my indication into performance art. I’ve seen the sit (yawn), the down (Boooring), the smash (Go labs and Malinois) and the stare (my herding peeps excel at this). But I felt that this whole sport was lacking a certain flair.

I used to do a down or a sit and then my artistic soul rebelled and I came up with …..wait for it…..the Twerk indication. This is art, folks. This is poetry in motion while also serving the purpose for which an indication is intended.

What is this twerk indication you may ask? It’s a finely tuned hovering between a sit and a down. A delicate, almost hummingbird like vibration with one’s hind quarters never really touching the ground but never really fully upright. I further enhanced the absolute beauty of this move by adding in a head bob with a pleading look to my handler. It is enough to bring you to tears.

The added benefit of the Twerk indication is that can be mightily confusing to your handler. Additional bonus? It opens her up for some remorseless teasing from fellow handlers whose dogs do more traditional indications.

I encourage my fellow sniffers to expand their horizons. See the indication for what it can be not just what it is. Let your Freak Flag Fly. Bust a move. Dazzle the judges. Flights of fancy foot work await you.

Miley Cyrus of pugs? PLEASE. Miley should be so lucky.