Sanctioned SDDA Trial Announcement – Dartmouth, NS

Sirius K9 Workin’ Dawgs, Dartmouth, NS

Dear Registered Participant

This email is to announce to the SDDA Registered Participants an upcoming trial.

Host Sirius K9 Workin’ Dawgs
Location Dartmouth, NS
Trial Dates July 28th & 29th, 2018
Opening for  Registered Participants only Immediately
Opening for General Public June 7, 2018
Premium List HERE

The SDDA does not accept or process trial applications on behalf of the trial committee, nor do we have any further information then what is found in the premium list.  If you have any questions related to this trial, please contact the trial secretary noted in the Premium List. 

Norm Dressler
Secretary, SDDA

Please Note: You are receiving this email because you are a Registered Participant of the SDDA. Receiving these emails are an important part of your benefits.


2774 Flos Rd 3 W
Phelpston, ON L0L 2K0

Copyright © 2017, Sporting Detection Dogs Association, All rights reserved.

Sanctioned SDDA Trial Announcement – Courtenay, BC

K911 Dog Sports, Courtenay, BC

Dear Registered Participant

This email is to announce to the SDDA Registered Participants an upcoming trial.

Host K911 Dog Sports
Location Courtenay, BC
Trial Dates July 7 & 8, 2018
Opening for  Registered Participants only June 7, 2018 7pm PDT
Opening for General Public June 10, 2018 7pm PDT
Premium List HERE

The SDDA does not accept or process trial applications on behalf of the trial committee, nor do we have any further information then what is found in the premium list.  If you have any questions related to this trial, please contact the trial secretary noted in the Premium List. 

Norm Dressler
Secretary, SDDA

Please Note: You are receiving this email because you are a Registered Participant of the SDDA. Receiving these emails are an important part of your benefits.


2774 Flos Rd 3 W
Phelpston, ON L0L 2K0

Copyright © 2017, Sporting Detection Dogs Association, All rights reserved.

Correction: Sanctioned SDDA Trial Announcement – Red Deer, AB

The Little Nose that Knows, Red Deer, AB    * Please note the change in city!*

Dear Registered Participant

This email is to announce to the SDDA Registered Participants 2 upcoming trials.

Host The Little Nose that Knows
Location Red Deer, AB
Trial Dates July 20, 2018
Opening for  Registered Participants only Immediately
Opening for General Public May 17, noon
Premium List HERE


Host The Little Nose that Knows
Location Red Deer, AB
Trial Dates July 21 & 22nd, 2018
Opening for  Registered Participants only Immediately
Opening for General Public May 17, noon
Premium List HERE

The SDDA does not accept or process trial applications on behalf of the trial committee, nor do we have any further information then what is found in the premium list.  If you have any questions related to this trial, please contact the trial secretary noted in the Premium List. 

Norm Dressler
Secretary, SDDA

Please Note: You are receiving this email because you are a Registered Participant of the SDDA. Receiving these emails are an important part of your benefits.


2774 Flos Rd 3 W
Phelpston, ON L0L 2K0

Copyright © 2017, Sporting Detection Dogs Association, All rights reserved.

Sanctioned SDDA Trial Announcement – Kemptville, ON

Competitive K9s, Kemptville, ON

Dear Registered Participant

This email is to announce to the SDDA Registered Participants an upcoming trial.

Host Competitive K9s
Location Kemptville, ON
Trial Dates June 30 & July 1, 2018
Opening for  Registered Participants only May 9, 2018 at 3pm EDT
Opening for General Public May 12, 2018 at 3pm EDT
Premium List HERE

The SDDA does not accept or process trial applications on behalf of the trial committee, nor do we have any further information then what is found in the premium list.  If you have any questions related to this trial, please contact the trial secretary noted in the Premium List. 

Norm Dressler
Secretary, SDDA

Please Note: You are receiving this email because you are a Registered Participant of the SDDA. Receiving these emails are an important part of your benefits.


2774 Flos Rd 3 W
Phelpston, ON L0L 2K0

Copyright © 2017, Sporting Detection Dogs Association, All rights reserved.

Working or Amateur Stream?

Which should you enter?

The question often comes up because between an “ordinary” competitor and “professional” competitor there are at least 10 shades of grey, if not 50. Therefore, the SDDA has left this decision up to each competitor to decide if they are truly a professional (instructor, trainer, K9 handler, etc.). For what it’s worth, a personal guideline as an SDDA instructor is if I advertise scent work classes and take money for teaching on a regular basis (even if only one day a week), I am a professional. Since I have now been doing that for over 5 years plus seminars, I feel my exposure to 1,000s of dogs has pushed me into the professional category. So, even with my green, baby dog at Started level, I enter Working Stream.

Is there a difference between a competitor who has titled and is re-entering the same level versus an instructor or law enforcement handler? Well, sure, but we have two Streams only and if you’ve completed that level once, you have a small advantage over those who have not yet done so.

Is it judged the same? Well, the answer to that is equally grey. Firstly, the difference is minor – simply a matter of a slightly higher standard for handling; and secondly, it requires the host to make it clear to the judge that the competitor is in Working Stream. Yes, it’s marked on the score sheets, but judges may well miss seeing that if those competitors aren’t separated as a group from Amateur Stream teams.
The main goal is for placement purposes IF the host is offering placements. Some do and some don’t. It may be cost prohibitive for hosts to purchase two sets of placement ribbons only to find there is only one Working Stream entry in a particular level or component. However, it is something that is encouraged so that someone who has never competed in a sport before with their six-year-old farm dog is not competing against someone with vastly more experience, even if her dog is a new pup.

And finally, there are no Streams in Elite at all. To get to that level, there won’t be much difference from a sport perspective between experienced professionals and experienced amateurs. It’s hard work getting through to Elite and often means many trials and venues. We salute all of you who play at that level!

Karin Apfel

SDDA Instructor

Scenting and Stacey, Oh My!

In which SnifferPug attends a seminar in an effort to assist her handler meet the standards to which she wishes to become accustomed

Having spent some years trying to get my human up to speed on her skills, I insisted she attend a workshop offered on “Alerts” given by SDDA trainer Stacey Shaw. I continue to hold out hope that she may, with some skilled help, be able to mediate what can only be described as ham handed handling.

I was pleased with Stacey. She met all my SnifferPug requirements. First, she had food. That is key. Second, she knew of what she was speaking. Third, she pointed out the numerous things my human does incorrectly: her markers are slow, she marks the wrong behaviour, her food production slower than squashed snail. And she stares at me…what is that about?

I have to say that I was my usual remarkable and stunning self, and targeted Toonies with alacrity. Stacey did have to point out that my human brings all the excitement of watching paint dry in her responses to my fabulousness, but I digress. The human did show some improvement and there is a chance we may actually get this gig in gear. There was some discussion of throwing food, but I could have told Stacey that my human can’t hit the broad side of a barn with a Mack Truck. However, my human gave it her best shot and even I have to admit that she tried hard and there is hope for her. Not much, but some.

I encourage all right thinking sniffy dogs to bring their humans to these events. I found it quite validating to have my deep concerns about my human’s abilities confirmed. I’ve done the best I can, but really, I have the nose, she has the hands. One of us isn’t using their equipment to maximum effect.

And so, as my maiden effort in writing The Scents of Humour, I wish all my fellow sniffers well and to maintain hope for their humans. If mine can improve, anyone can.

Over and out.


Tribute to Brenda

Brenda Brown

1954 – 2017

SDDA founder Brenda Marie Brown passed away on October 26, 2017. Three years after her diagnosis of lung and breast cancer, she is finally free of pain. She lived her life to the fullest these last few years, focusing on family and her bucket list, but always kept an eye on the organization that she helped start. “How is it doing, Karin?” she’d ask when I visited. “How many provinces left to go?”

It is safe to say that without Brenda, the SDDA probably wouldn’t exist. While we all loved the activity of detection and were interested in getting involved in the sport, it was Brenda who provided the necessary kick in the pants to cause the three of us founders (Karin Apfel, Stacey Shaw and Brenda) to pool our meagre resources and start up a brand new not-for-profit organization dedicated to a sport no one we knew had ever competed in. “If we don’t do it we’ll regret it. And we should do it soon before our dogs get too old to play!” said Brenda over one of our post-seminar dinners. “We can do this.” Could three trainers with varying perspectives on training and sport work together without acrimony and create something they all could be proud of?

With the drive and determination that characterized her training in obedience, field, conformation and a variety of other dog sports, Brenda pushed us to think big and to be confident enough in the sport that the many sacrifices that were made would be worth it in the long run. We argued over everything from the look of the certificates to the judging criteria, but she was right. Again. Somewhere across the rainbow Brenda is smiling, the final victory hers. “I told you so!” she’d say with a wink. Godspeed my dear friend. We will miss you.


Registration Changes

As you all know, the current Registered Participant status is based on calendar year renewal (January to December).  We are pleased to announce a change in this policy.

Renewals will no longer be based on the calendar year but provide a full 12 months from the date of previous  renewal or registration.  This change will resolve several issues, namely those who sign up mid year and only benefit from half a year’s worth of benefits.  This change will also resolve the confusing timing issues from the past (sign ups after November 1st allowed remaining of year plus the full next calendar year) and allowing people up to 2 months into a calendar year to renew.  In lieu of these unclear renewal periods, our new system will automatically email individuals 60 days, 30 days and the day before their RP status will expire.

The transition will be different depending on when you registered.  Those people who registered or renewed in 2017 will have their renewal dates changed to their registration or renewal date.  Those who registered or renewed before January 1st, 2017 will expire on December 31st, 2017.

This rolling renewal process will lighten the load considerably on our volunteers and allow for a more balanced year and less confusion around RP status.  The web site will provide for you your current status and your renewal date so you will know when to expect to renew.

If you have not already, I encourage you to log into the new website (instructions were provided in the last newsletter) and review your information.

If you have any questions about this change, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Rule Book Changes September 2017

Rule Book Revisions

September 1, 2017

Page 5
Dogs that have achieved a title (passed all 3 components at any level) must also enter the Working stream if they compete at that level at the next trial event (after their title has been processed). Once they move onto the next level, they may again trial as Amateurs.

Page 6
There are two competition streams: Working (W) and Amateur (A). Handlers or dogs working or previously employed in a professional capacity in detection as well as scent detection instructors/coaches/trainers/judges must enter the Working stream and will be ranked and placed (if placements are offered) separately from Amateurs.

Page 7
Advanced Level: The component scores for the Advanced title total 200 points. The Container Search is scored out of 60 points, the Interior Search is scored out of 80 points and the Exterior Search is scored out of 60 points. Dogs must achieve 50% of the total score of each component for a passing/qualifying score PLUS find all available hides in each Component search. The final score is tabulated by dividing the score out of 200 by two (2) to reach a percentage that will be reflected by the title classifications (see below).

Page 7
Under NQs
Dog causes visible, permanent damage to a vehicle

Page 8
An initial Special title and all Elite titling scores will be considered only as single scores.

Page 8 Under NQs
Leaving the search area – a dog or handler moves entirely out of the search area boundaries due to distraction or avoidance. At the judge’s discretion, leeway may be given to dogs that are working odour that may have drifted out of the search area.

Prohibited equipment in the search area (prong collars, extendable leads, tags etc.)

Page 11 Under Advanced Level
1. Exterior Search – 2 hides, time limit 5 minutes

Page 12
E-Interior Search
There will be three interior search areas (“rooms”). One will have one hide, one will have two hides and one will be clear. The clear room must be declared clear by the handler by raising his/her hand and saying “Clear”. Before a team can move from one room to another, they must call the number of hides in that room.

Page 14
Sporting Detection Elite Champion – SD-ELCH
Five (5) titling scores at the Elite Level. At least two (2) scores must be gold and scores must be achieved under at least two (2) different judges.

Sporting Detection Grand Master Champion – SD-GMCH
A MACH title PLUS five (5) titling scores at the Elite Level. At least three (3) scores must be gold and scores must be achieved under at least three (3) different judges.

Page 17
Under Trial applications
This should be submitted to the SDDA for approval a minimum of 60 days prior to the trial date.


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