Sanctioned SDDA Trial Announcement – Amaranth, ON

DogSmart Training and Olympus K9, Amaranth, ON

Dear Registered Participant

This email is to announce to the SDDA Registered Participants an upcoming trial.

Host  DogSmart Training and Olympus K9
Location Amaranth, ON
Trial Dates May 23, 2020
Opening for  Registered Participants only March 21, 2020 at 6pm EDT
Opening for General Public March 24, 2020 at 6pm EDT
Premium List HERE

The SDDA does not accept or process trial applications on behalf of the trial committee, nor do we have any further information then what is found in the premium list.  If you have any questions related to this trial, please contact the trial secretary noted in the Premium List. 

Norm Dressler
Secretary, SDDA

Please Note: You are receiving this email because you are a Registered Participant of the SDDA. Receiving these emails are an important part of your benefits.


6400 Glen Knolls Drive
Ottawa, ON K1C 2X2

Copyright © 2019, Sporting Detection Dogs Association, All rights reserved.

COVID-19 Special Message from the Sporting Detection Dogs Association

COVID-19 Special Message from the Sporting Detection Dogs Association

The board has been monitoring the progression of the COVID-19 virus and felt it timely to send out an announcement.

First and foremost, we rely on our hosts to be responsible and determine whether they should continue with an event. They must take into consideration local guidelines from their health officials since we are a vast country with varying degrees of infection.

We would like to recommend to our hosts that they offer their event registrants the ability to cancel their entries and provide either a refund or a credit toward a future event. This is only a suggestion, since we cannot dictate to our hosts how to handle this situation.

Should a host decide to cancel an event due to COVID-19, the SDDA will offer a credit for your application fees to go against a future trial. No refunds will be offered at this time.

Also due to this extreme circumstance, we would like to encourage you to hire a judge locally where possible and not ask a judge to fly. Judges will also be less likely to accept new assignments where travel is involved. Important to note as well – Judges are permitted to cancel their judging assignment due to concern over COVID-19. A cancellation may not be directly about getting the virus, but could be related to bans on travel made by their employers.  No one can afford a 14 day quarantine. Unfortunately given the circumstances, at this time the SDDA cannot assist with getting another judge, at our expense, for your event and if you cannot find a local judge then you will have to consider canceling or postponing the event.

There are many notices out there about what you should and should not do to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Some of those are:

  • Do not ask anyone to hold your dog, leash or collar.

  • Do not ask anyone who does not live with you to record your run with your phone.

  • If you feel unwell, don’t attend! I know it can be quite the investment to attend a trial but potentially getting others, possibly vulnerable people, sick should be the first priority.

  • Keep your distance from others where possible.

  • Minimize the number of people in the trial areas.

  • Have lots of paper towels, soap and hand sanitizer available in the washrooms and around the event.

The message from our health officials is to try and slow the spread of this virus. Our healthcare systems can only handle so much and an extreme number of sick people all at once will overwhelm the system. Of course, remember it can and has been deadly for the elderly and vulnerable so be kind and thoughtful in all you do with the dog events.

Please Note: You are receiving this email because you are a Registered Participant of the SDDA. Receiving these emails are an important part of your benefits.


6400 Glen Knolls Drive
Ottawa, ON K1C 2X2

Copyright © 2019, Sporting Detection Dogs Association, All rights reserved.

Annonce du procès SDDA sanctionné/Sanctioned SDDA Trial Announcement – Quebec, QC

Linda Le Houillier, Quebec, QC

Dear Registered Participant

Cet e-mail doit annoncer aux participants enregistrés SDDA un essai à venir.

This email is to announce to the SDDA Registered Participants an upcoming trial.



 Linda Le Houillier



Quebec, Qc

Dates d'essai

Trial Dates

18 et 19 avril 2020

April 18 & 19, 2020

Ouverture réservée aux participants inscrits

Opening for  Registered Participants only

11 Mars 2020

March 11, 2020

Ouverture au grand public

Opening for General Public

14 Mars 2020

March 14, 2020

Liste Premium

Premium List


Le SDDA n'accepte ni ne traite les demandes d'essai au nom du comité de jugement, et nous n'avons pas d'autres informations que celles qui figurent dans la liste des primes. Si vous avez des questions concernant cet essai, veuillez contacter le secrétaire de l'essai indiqué dans la liste Premium.

The SDDA does not accept or process trial applications on behalf of the trial committee, nor do we have any further information then what is found in the premium list.  If you have any questions related to this trial, please contact the trial secretary noted in the Premium List. 

Norm Dressler
Secretary, SDDA

Please Note: You are receiving this email because you are a Registered Participant of the SDDA. Receiving these emails are an important part of your benefits.


6400 Glen Knolls Drive
Ottawa, ON K1C 2X2

Copyright © 2019, Sporting Detection Dogs Association, All rights reserved.

Sanctioned SDDA Trial Announcement – Lethbridge, AB

Sniff & Tell Scent Detection, Lethbridge, AB

Dear Registered Participant

This email is to announce to the SDDA Registered Participants an upcoming trial.

Host Sniff & Tell Scent Detection
Location Lethbridge, AB
Trial Dates May 16 & 17, 2020
Opening for  Registered Participants only March 17, 2020 at 6pm MDT
Opening for General Public March 20, 2020 at 6pm MDT
Premium List HERE

The SDDA does not accept or process trial applications on behalf of the trial committee, nor do we have any further information then what is found in the premium list.  If you have any questions related to this trial, please contact the trial secretary noted in the Premium List. 

Norm Dressler
Secretary, SDDA

Please Note: You are receiving this email because you are a Registered Participant of the SDDA. Receiving these emails are an important part of your benefits.


6400 Glen Knolls Drive
Ottawa, ON K1C 2X2

Copyright © 2019, Sporting Detection Dogs Association, All rights reserved.

Sanctioned SDDA Trial Announcement – Saint-Raymond, QC


Dear Registered Participant

Cet e-mail doit annoncer aux participants enregistrés SDDA un essai à venir.

This email is to announce to the SDDA Registered Participants an upcoming trial.






Saint-Raymond, QC

dates d'essai

Trial Dates

Samedi 16 mai et dimanche 17 mai 2020

Saturday May 16 & Sunday May 17, 2020

Ouverture réservée aux participants inscrits

Opening for  Registered Participants only

DIMANCHE 22 MARS 2020, 10:00 am

March 22, 2020 at 10am local

Ouverture au grand public

Opening for General Public

DIMANCHE 24 MARS 2020, 10:00 am

March 24, 2020 at 10am local

Liste Premium

Premium List


Le SDDA n'accepte ni ne traite les demandes d'essai au nom du comité de jugement, et nous n'avons pas d'autres informations que celles qui figurent dans la liste des primes. Si vous avez des questions concernant cet essai, veuillez contacter le secrétaire de l'essai indiqué dans la liste Premium.
The SDDA does not accept or process trial applications on behalf of the trial committee, nor do we have any further information then what is found in the premium list.  If you have any questions related to this trial, please contact the trial secretary noted in the Premium List. 

Norm Dressler
Secretary, SDDA

Please Note: You are receiving this email because you are a Registered Participant of the SDDA. Receiving these emails are an important part of your benefits.


6400 Glen Knolls Drive
Ottawa, ON K1C 2X2

Copyright © 2019, Sporting Detection Dogs Association, All rights reserved.

Sanctioned SDDA Trial Announcement – Nanaimo, BC

Positive Dog, Nanaimo, BC

Dear Registered Participant

This email is to announce to the SDDA Registered Participants an upcoming trial.

Host Positive Dog
Location Nanaimo, BC
Trial Dates April 23, 2020
Opening for  Registered Participants only March 14, 2020 7pm PDT
Opening for General Public March 17, 2020 7pm PDT
Premium List HERE

The SDDA does not accept or process trial applications on behalf of the trial committee, nor do we have any further information then what is found in the premium list.  If you have any questions related to this trial, please contact the trial secretary noted in the Premium List. 

Norm Dressler
Secretary, SDDA

Please Note: You are receiving this email because you are a Registered Participant of the SDDA. Receiving these emails are an important part of your benefits.


6400 Glen Knolls Drive
Ottawa, ON K1C 2X2

Copyright © 2019, Sporting Detection Dogs Association, All rights reserved.

Sanctioned SDDA Trial Announcement – Courtenay, BC

K911 Dog Sports, Courtenay, BC

Dear Registered Participant

This email is to announce to the SDDA Registered Participants an upcoming trial.

Host K911 Dog Sports
Location Courtenay, BC
Trial Dates April 26, 2020
Opening for  Registered Participants only April 2, 2020 7pm BC Time
Opening for General Public April 5, 2020 7pm BC Time
Premium List HERE

The SDDA does not accept or process trial applications on behalf of the trial committee, nor do we have any further information then what is found in the premium list.  If you have any questions related to this trial, please contact the trial secretary noted in the Premium List. 

Norm Dressler
Secretary, SDDA

Please Note: You are receiving this email because you are a Registered Participant of the SDDA. Receiving these emails are an important part of your benefits.


6400 Glen Knolls Drive
Ottawa, ON K1C 2X2

Copyright © 2019, Sporting Detection Dogs Association, All rights reserved.

Sanctioned SDDA Trial Announcement – Nepean, ON

TailWaggersK9Sport, Nepean, ON

Dear Registered Participant

This email is to announce to the SDDA Registered Participants an upcoming trial.

Host  TailWaggersK9Sport
Location Nepean, ON
Trial Dates May 2, 2020
Opening for  Registered Participants only March 14, 2020 9am local
Opening for General Public March 17, 2020 9am local
Premium List HERE

The SDDA does not accept or process trial applications on behalf of the trial committee, nor do we have any further information then what is found in the premium list.  If you have any questions related to this trial, please contact the trial secretary noted in the Premium List. 

Norm Dressler
Secretary, SDDA

Please Note: You are receiving this email because you are a Registered Participant of the SDDA. Receiving these emails are an important part of your benefits.


6400 Glen Knolls Drive
Ottawa, ON K1C 2X2

Copyright © 2019, Sporting Detection Dogs Association, All rights reserved.

Sanctioned SDDA Trial Announcement – Calgary, AB

Unleash The Pawsibilities, Calgary, AB

Dear Registered Participant

This email is to announce to the SDDA Registered Participants an upcoming trial.

Host  Unleash The Pawsibilities
Location Calgary, AB
Trial Dates April 18, 2020
Opening for  Registered Participants only March 6, 2020 8am local
Opening for General Public March 9, 2020 8am local
Premium List HERE

The SDDA does not accept or process trial applications on behalf of the trial committee, nor do we have any further information then what is found in the premium list.  If you have any questions related to this trial, please contact the trial secretary noted in the Premium List. 

Norm Dressler
Secretary, SDDA

Please Note: You are receiving this email because you are a Registered Participant of the SDDA. Receiving these emails are an important part of your benefits.


6400 Glen Knolls Drive
Ottawa, ON K1C 2X2

Copyright © 2019, Sporting Detection Dogs Association, All rights reserved.

Sanctioned SDDA Trial Announcement – Regina, SK

ALERT K9 Scent Training, Regina, SK

Dear Registered Participant

This email is to announce to the SDDA Registered Participants an upcoming trial.

Host  ALERT K9 Scent Training
Location Regina, SK
Trial Dates May 9 & 10, 2020
Opening for  Registered Participants only March 6, 2020 at 10am local
Opening for General Public March 9, 2020 at 10am local
Premium List HERE

The SDDA does not accept or process trial applications on behalf of the trial committee, nor do we have any further information then what is found in the premium list.  If you have any questions related to this trial, please contact the trial secretary noted in the Premium List. 

Norm Dressler
Secretary, SDDA

Please Note: You are receiving this email because you are a Registered Participant of the SDDA. Receiving these emails are an important part of your benefits.


6400 Glen Knolls Drive
Ottawa, ON K1C 2X2

Copyright © 2019, Sporting Detection Dogs Association, All rights reserved.

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