Rule Book Changes September 2017

Rule Book Revisions

September 1, 2017

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Dogs that have achieved a title (passed all 3 components at any level) must also enter the Working stream if they compete at that level at the next trial event (after their title has been processed). Once they move onto the next level, they may again trial as Amateurs.

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There are two competition streams: Working (W) and Amateur (A). Handlers or dogs working or previously employed in a professional capacity in detection as well as scent detection instructors/coaches/trainers/judges must enter the Working stream and will be ranked and placed (if placements are offered) separately from Amateurs.

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Advanced Level: The component scores for the Advanced title total 200 points. The Container Search is scored out of 60 points, the Interior Search is scored out of 80 points and the Exterior Search is scored out of 60 points. Dogs must achieve 50% of the total score of each component for a passing/qualifying score PLUS find all available hides in each Component search. The final score is tabulated by dividing the score out of 200 by two (2) to reach a percentage that will be reflected by the title classifications (see below).

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Under NQs
Dog causes visible, permanent damage to a vehicle

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An initial Special title and all Elite titling scores will be considered only as single scores.

Page 8 Under NQs
Leaving the search area – a dog or handler moves entirely out of the search area boundaries due to distraction or avoidance. At the judge’s discretion, leeway may be given to dogs that are working odour that may have drifted out of the search area.

Prohibited equipment in the search area (prong collars, extendable leads, tags etc.)

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1. Exterior Search – 2 hides, time limit 5 minutes

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E-Interior Search
There will be three interior search areas (“rooms”). One will have one hide, one will have two hides and one will be clear. The clear room must be declared clear by the handler by raising his/her hand and saying “Clear”. Before a team can move from one room to another, they must call the number of hides in that room.

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Sporting Detection Elite Champion – SD-ELCH
Five (5) titling scores at the Elite Level. At least two (2) scores must be gold and scores must be achieved under at least two (2) different judges.

Sporting Detection Grand Master Champion – SD-GMCH
A MACH title PLUS five (5) titling scores at the Elite Level. At least three (3) scores must be gold and scores must be achieved under at least three (3) different judges.

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Under Trial applications
This should be submitted to the SDDA for approval a minimum of 60 days prior to the trial date.


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