If you have any question or concerns about the accuracy or validity of the data presented in the titles and q’s earned report, please send an email to: kim@sdda.ca and mention “SDDA Titles” and your dogs’ number as the subject. The Titles and Qualifying Searches List is updated periodically as scores become available. Last publication: January 22, 2025.
Please note: information concerning Q’s and (first) titling dates can now be found on the “Registered Dogs” page. The T&Q reports are no longer relevant but by popular demand will be published periodically.
Not very often will the T&Q report and the data listed on the dog page be completely in sync. The processes to get the data are completely different and are controlled by different individuals with different work schedules.
This document may be helpful with the calculation of gold scores.
Titles and Q’s Report -20250328
In those cases where both the English and French names have been used to register dogs (e.g. German Shepherd Dog and Berger allemand), the summary will show the English breed name only BUT the numbers for the French language registrations are still included. If certain breeds have ONLY been registered in French, the French breed name will be used (e.g. Berger Picard and Berger des Pyrenees). Feel free to bring potential mistakes to our attention by emailing kim@sdda.ca.
To provide feedback on a trial you have participated in, feel free to click here and complete a short survey.
To clarify: only ONE title for each level will be awarded. The report shows “Titling Scores”. “Titling Scores” are calculated by taking the lowest number of Qualifying Scores for ALL THREE components combined. This should help you (and us) in tracking potential Championships.
Example applicable to Started, Advanced and Excellent levels: at a particular level a dog has earned 2 Container Q’s, 3 Interior Q’s and 4 Exterior Q’s. On the report it will show as 2 Titling Scores since that is lowest number in the series. No distinction is made between Q’s earned in the Amateur stream versus the Working stream nor are the score values considered (Gold, Silver & Bronze).
On the right hand side a column is reserved for Elite Titling Scores. Since an Elite Titling score is only awarded when all 3 components are successfully completed at the same trial, a breakdown by component was not necessary.
Both reports are presented as a PDF. As more dogs earn Q’s and more breeds are added, the reports will grow continuously. Most PDF readers and internet browsers will allow the common CTRL-F command to search all data quickly. So, using that command you could e.g. type your name or your dogs’ preferred name or the breed name to quickly find what you’re looking for.
SD-MACH Competitors please note:
To review the Q’s you and your dog have earned you may visit the “Reg. Information” / “Registered Dogs” page on this site once you have logged in. You will find a “Scores” button beside your dogs name. When clicked it will reveal all Q’s that were earned.
From there you may segregate Advanced Q’s (or Excellent Q’s) and mix & match and then sum the Container, Interior and Exterior Q scores to arrive at the various titling scores. A combined score equal to or greater than 192 translates to a gold score. Make sure to use Q’s only once. Should you be an Excel user you can make things a lot easier for yourself by transferring the Q data to Excel and let that program do most of the work for you. Linked below are some simple instructions.
How to calculate gold scores using Excel
You will need a minimum of 3 Excellent titling scores and 7 more titling scores at the Advanced or Excellent Levels. You will also need 3 gold (96% and above or 192+ out of 200) titling scores. Titling scores are achieved once you have 3 full Components at the same level. For example, you may have 3 Container Scores and 1 Exterior, but you do not have a titling score until you also pass Interior at the same level. Your highest Container score plus the Exterior and Interior scores will be used for your titling score.
To ask questions about Q’s and Titling Scores reach out to info@sdda.ca or kim@sdda.ca.
Photos courtesy of Julie Hearty and Sheri Luzzi